02 Jan 2022 06:00:28
Hopefully this is true and is another nail in the convid coffin

UK Team File Complaint of Crimes Against Humanity With The International Criminal Court

The applicant’s state that they have tried to raise their case through the local English police and the English Court system without success

This is exactly why the ICC has been addressed directly as if a state is unwilling or unable to carry out either an investigation or prosecution, the ICC is able to prosecute, not to replace national crime systems, but to complement them.


{Ed032's Note - Thanks, p1.

Let's hope this is the beginning of the end for the LE as the evidence is undeniable.

02 Jan 2022 11:08:19
Brilliant, it will just take one of these complaints to be upheld and then hopefully their horrible plan will start to crumble.
In the meantime we must all keep doing what we can even if it seems insignificant as combined it will make a difference.

02 Jan 2022 20:54:01
Maybe I'm wrong but if these people have went this far as to lie and kill innocent people by they're 1000s, have managed to create a great deception that is world wide involving leaders of near ever country I don't think they are going to be brought down by an investigation.

Let's face it if they own the top politicians in every major country they are not being stop by police or the ICC, The only way this ends is by enough of the 99% waking up and stop listening to they're bullshit and stop following they're guidelines,stop taking they're fraudulent tests and just go back to normal life.

Saying that I live in hope and hopefully I'm wrong.


{Ed032's Note - This is what I fear.

That being said though. The LE have strict 'laws' of their own they have to 'obey'. The greatest trick of the Devil and all that. If everyone can 'see' him there is nowhere and no dark place he can hide or lurk for the Light will always find and abolish the 'dark'.

I may have sounded defeatist but that would mean no hope. I always have hope, bert13. Can you have fear with out hope?. I do not think so. No hope, no fear. I choose hope.

Maybe I am writing in riddles again. Apologises.

02 Jan 2022 21:53:41
We keep hearing how many thousands have been lost due to this pandemic yet hundreds of thousands have been lost due to the cancellations of life saving treatments & the UK care home cover ups which actually boils my piss!I have seen elderly relatives pass away(die due to negligence) but pass away sounds more soothing from a fake sympathetic doc eh!I have mentioned in the past about 1 of the care homes is under investigation for unsafe practices(100% Total negligence)Unsafe????


{Ed032's Note - Pud, I feel for all your pain and loss. You are one of many in this situation but one of few with such ability to 'see'. It feels as though a physical attack on the LE, to take them down, is the right thing to do. I feel the anger inside of you that you supress, I myself am trying to control the same, but if we take action in that way we are no better than ' Them' and would be falling in to their trap where we would be cast as a 'terrorist' or someone to be twisted in the public eye to be wrong. That is exactly what 'they' want. It would be an easy out for 'them' and the sheep would agree as they lack 'sight'.

I do not know how to go about to turn this to our favour, but please do not act on anger. Guy Fawkes was a hero but his-story says different. Let us find away to make it 'Our story'.

I am am so sorry for your pain and loss. Faith and Light is the only true way to honour them respectfully. I am struggling also but I need your strength to uphold mine and I try to repay that likewise.

I hope you understand what I say to you. Do not let them win by becoming them. Do not tarnish your Soul with their way.

Much respect in you, SM.